
Innovation is at the heart of PENTA’s strategy and is one of the key elements ensuring the continued competitiveness of organisations in countries affiliated to Eureka while creating opportunities for leadership in new markets. Being an industry driven programme, PENTA projects will focus on innovation that will extend the state of the art, contributing to the creation of new applications and products in key market segments of industrial and societal importance.

PENTA is open to all organisations performing RD&I in Eureka affiliated countries. It is also possible for any organisation, wherever they may be located, to participate on a “self-funded” basis. PENTA participants can also choose to be a member of AENEAS, which manages the PENTA programme. As members, they have the opportunity to participate fully in the management of AENEAS at all levels.

PENTA identifies opportunities, quickly assesses national governmental support and operates Calls for projects that provide comprehensive support and an efficient and effective call process.This ensures the opportunity for rapid competitive exploitation as soon as the necessary research and development activities have been completed.

Beyond taking into account National funding rules, and provided that at least two EUREKA countries are involved, there is complete flexibility in project definition and execution. PENTA projects can be large or small and consortia can be created from a mix of any type of company or research organisation. Once projects have started, they can be adapted at any time to meet changed technical or market conditions.

PENTA is guided by the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), a regularly updated and comprehensive document designed to give a detailed roadmap for the development of the Electronics, Components, Systems and Applications value chain. Subject to National funding guidance, projects can be submitted in all areas covered by the SRA. In conjunction with Public Authorities events are organised, collaboration tools made available and support provided to ensure multiple opportunities to network, engage with the PENTA programme and meet potential project partners. Particular focus is given to SME involvement in PENTA projects